

Anytime | Anywhere
Document Access

With Bulkdox, users can effortlessly create new documents, view existing ones, and share them, even when they are on the go.

Additionally, the mobile app provides specific functionalities for drivers, allowing them to also have access to the necessary documents. Drivers can be assigned documents via the app, enabling them to immediately see which documents they need for a specific transport or delivery. This streamlines the process and ensures that all involved parties, including drivers, have the necessary information and can act according to the correct procedures.

Logistics Documents

Document Bundle

A document set in Bulkdox is a collection of related documents that are compiled for a specific logistical task or transaction. This set can consist of various types of documents, such as CMR with commercial documents or CMR with AnexVII.

Users can easily compile a document set by selecting the necessary documents and bundling them for a specific shipment or activity. Once the document set is compiled, users can share it all at once with all involved parties, such as carriers, suppliers, and recipients, making communication and documentation more efficient and streamlined.

Easy Share

With Bulkdox, sharing logistical documentation with all involved parties becomes effortless. Our platform offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily select, bundle, and share documents with carriers, suppliers, recipients, and other stakeholders.

By using Bulkdox, companies can improve communication, increase efficiency, and save time when sharing transportation documents with all involved parties. Experience the convenience of Bulkdox yourself and optimize your logistical processes today!

Mobile App

Bulkdox enables users to have access to their logistical documents anytime and anywhere through our mobile application. With this app, users can effortlessly create new documents, view existing ones, and share them, even when they are on the go.

Additionally, the mobile app provides specific functionalities for drivers, allowing them to also have access to the necessary documents. Drivers can be assigned documents via the app, enabling them to immediately see which documents they need for a specific transport or delivery. This streamlines the process and ensures that all involved parties, including drivers, have the necessary information and can act according to the correct procedures.


With Bulkdox, all parties involved in transportation documents can easily sign online. Our platform provides a secure and integrated solution for digitally signing documents, allowing all stakeholders, including carriers, suppliers, recipients, and other interested parties, to participate easily in the signing process.

Bulkdox records all changes and activities made to documents and stores them as history under each document, providing easy traceability for all parties involved. With Bulkdox, all parties can collaborate efficiently and securely in signing transportation documents, optimizing logistical processes and improving overall efficiency.

API Connection

Bulkdox also offers a powerful API that allows users to integrate Bulkdox with their internal software. This API enables seamless communication between Bulkdox and other software applications, enabling users to work more efficiently and streamline their workflows.

With the Bulkdox API, users can automatically upload, edit, and share documents from their internal software, saving time and effort and improving their documentation processes. Whether it’s automatically generating freight documents or sharing documents with external parties, the Bulkdox API provides users with the flexibility and functionality they need to efficiently manage their logistics documentation.

To obtain more information regarding the API connection request, please reach out to [email protected]


Bulkdox enables users to create, edit, and share documents in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Dutch, and more. This allows businesses to tailor their documentation to the language preferences of their customers, resulting in better communication and an enhanced user experience